weekly update

January 19, 2024

Dear SAU 90 Staff and Families,

On November 20, 2023, the New Hampshire Superior Court rendered a directed verdict that the current level of adequacy funding is unconstitutional.  In light of this decision, there are many decisions that will be made in the months ahead that will impact our community.  On February 13 at 6 PM, New Hampshire School Funding Fairness Project will be hosting a discussion as part of our regular school board meeting to address the downshift in costs of public education funding to property taxpayers and how this system creates disparities in tax bills in towns and the quality of education students receive.  The presentation will include the history of the decades-long fight for equitable school funding, the current model, and examples of inequities it creates. This informative session aims to bring the issues to the present by discussing the NH Supreme Court rulings, the legislature, and the path forward. This hour-long event will allow time for questions and be specific to SAU 90 and 21 with specific problems our towns face in the School Funding Model.  The goal is to bring community members and officials together about the importance of fixing school funding in New Hampshire and build momentum for change.  The presentation will be recorded and distributed to those who register.  We hope to see you there.  Registration: https://secure.everyaction.com/UJMed51tikCn9b3EWA8oxg2

Patrice Baker, Early Intervention Outreach Specialist for SAU 90 and 21, will be offering a night out for Hampton parents and caregivers along with their children ages 1-8 years old on Thursday, February 15 at Centre School from 6:00 – 7:30 PM.  As part of this evening, dinner will be provided and strategies for supporting children’s regulation skills will be shared.  Additionally, every family will receive a calming box.  Registration is required for planning purposes.  There will be more information to follow.

We are still looking to add some additional substitutes to our pool.  If you are interested in working in a great place and love children, this is the job for you.  We offer flexible schedules and a terrific work environment.  We were pleased to see former alumni return to their alma mater over their winter break.  Yes, we welcome college students too and are willing to work around their schedules, when they are home between terms or when they return in May.  The current daily rate for substitutes in our district is $110/day for teachers and $95/day for para educators.  Our application can be found here.  

Over my years in the district, there have been many Teacher of the Year candidates honored by the New Hampshire Department of Education. Most recently, Mrs. Bonnie Heath was a top ten finalist.  Other finalists in our district included: Michele Croteau, Elizabeth Henderson, Sean Tierney, and Gus Carlson.  Anyone can nominate an outstanding teacher by using this link on or before February 5, 2023. https://www.education.nh.gov/who-we-are/commissioner/recognition-and-awards-programs/teacher-year-nomination-form.  The purpose of the program is to select a teacher who can speak for and bring energy to the teaching profession. Our Teacher of the Year serves as a leader and ambassador for all the outstanding teachers devoted to the highest level of student learning.  A Teacher of the Year candidate should be an exceptionally dedicated, knowledgeable, and a skilled classroom teacher from any state approved or accredited school, prekindergarten through grade 12, certified in the state, demonstrates leadership, and intends to continue in the teaching profession.  Selecting a Teacher of the Year is an exceptional way to celebrate the many outstanding and dedicated people teaching in New Hampshire schools, and here in our town.   

Wishing you a great weekend ahead!

Stay safe and warm,

Dr. Lois B. Costa

Superintendent of SAU 90

Shark News 1.19.24

February 15, Night Out