Channel 8 is the new educational news channel for Hampton School District SAU90 as part of the state Public, Education and Government (PEG) Franchise agreement between the town of Hampton, NH, and the local cable company provider.
Channel 8 Goals-
Channel 8 Media delivers news, information, and interesting content regarding Centre School, Adeline C. Marston Elementary School, and Hampton Academy parents, students and faculty can watch on Channel 8.
The station’s mission is to share with the community the teaching and learning that is happening in the SAU 90- Hampton Public Schools, to provide a showcase for student work, and to inform and engage the public in educational issues.
Things to expect on Channel 8
Pictures and or videos of students
Students learning
School Events
Field trips
Parent information nights
School Wide Events
Fun Educational Facts for students that relate to Curriculum
Shark News
Weekly news show
Created by our Hampton Academy Students
Shark News is broadcast weekly on Channel 8 as well as showcased at all 3 Schools for Students and Staff.
Where Can You Find Us?
Our news can be found by tuning locally in the Town of Hampton to Channel.
Watch any show now on our YouTube Channel. Click here to visit and Subscribe to us on YouTube.
When you do so, you will be notified when we broadcast Live! Click on the three stacked lines to the left of the window below to see some of what is playing or has been played on Channel 8 via YouTube.