The NHSFFP website provides more information about their mission and history They also offer a presentation to local communities, “School Funding and Property Taxes”, which helps explain how individual communities are affected by Statewide Education Property Tax (SWEPT). You may be aware of recent court decisions in November that impact how NH currently calculates adequacy and SWEPT. This is a link to a summary of those decisions by the New Hampshire Business Review.
about 1 year ago, Hampton School District
Cultural Fair at Hampton Academy!
about 2 years ago, Amber Levine
Poster project
poster projects 2
Italy project
England and Ethiopia Projects
Parents & Guardians, Trimester 1 Report Cards will be emailed from Alma today, Monday 12/12 at 4:00pm. Please allow some time for these emails to process through the system. If you do not see this message in your inbox please be sure to check your spam / junk folder because these messages often get filtered to junk folders. If you do not receive the email you can access the Report Card by logging into your Alma account. Once you are logged in, select the "Report Card" tab on the left side navigation menu and the click on the link for the T1 report card. If you do not receive the email and you need assistance logging into Alma please contact Tim Smith ( ).
about 2 years ago, Hampton School District
girl holding a report card
Our Marston Students learning about Sphero Robotics in STEAM class. They are learning all about coding and programing during the HOUR of CODE week happening now!
about 2 years ago, Amber Levine
Students using Sphero robots
2 girls sharing a chromebook with a sphero robot
two girls working with Sphero robots
boy working with blocks and spheros
Let’s Talk About Mental Health! Featuring former Chief Justice of NH, John Broderick, and a panel of students and mental health providers from our region. Monday, November 14th 6:30PM Winnacunnet High School Auditorium Pizza available beginning at 6:00PM This event is open to all members of the SAU 21 and SAU 90 communites. If you are a parent or guardian of a middle or high school student, we encourage you to attend with your child.
over 2 years ago, Hampton School District
Mental Health Flyer
Parent Teacher Conferences are happening! Please keep you eye out for information from each school regarding Dates and Times.
over 2 years ago, Hampton School District
parent/teacher conferences book with apple on top of a table
Early Release Day - October 19, 2022
over 2 years ago, Hampton School District
Early Release
To check out the latest things happening around SAU 90 head over to our Facebook pages: Hampton School District SAU 90, Hampton Academy, Adeline C. Marston School, and Centre School- Hampton NH
over 2 years ago, Hampton School District
Hampton Academy - Ski Club is one of our most favorite activities! Pat's Peak is such a great mountain and the night skiing can't be beat. Please join us for this important informational meeting Wednesday, October 12th at 6pm in the Dining Hall.
over 2 years ago, Hampton School District
map of Pats Peak ski area
Hampton school district SAU90 School Board will be having an emergency meeting Friday February 18, 2022 at 6:30 PM. This meeting will be held in the Hampton academy cafeteria. The public is allowed to attend in-person, though public comment is also offered via conference call. This meeting is carried on local channel 13, as well as on YouTube.
about 3 years ago, Nicholas Giarrusso
School Board Members in Meeting
Friday, January 7th will be a snow day for all students and staff of S A U 90.
about 3 years ago, Hampton School District
Snow Day!
Take a look at all of the food that was brought in for the Hampton Academy Thanksgiving Food Drive.
over 3 years ago, Amber Levine
Thanksgiving Food Drive
food drive
more food
Hampton Academy Students are creating pong video games using Scratch!
over 3 years ago, Hampton School District
student created pong game
pong game coding
dragon pong game
Check out the amazing art our Marston Students are creating!
over 3 years ago, Hampton School District
Student  wave art
Student creating art
Owl painting
Student tree art
Welcome to Hampton School District SAU 90's new website and mobile app!
almost 4 years ago, Apptegy Admin