Weekly Update

November 3, 2023

Dear SAU 90 Staff and Families,

As we move into the month of November, remember to turn your clocks back this Sunday as daylight savings time officially comes to an end.  This means sunrise and sunset will be about an hour earlier each day, with more light in the morning.  We know what this means for our afternoons!  With this change, it will be important to be mindful of our children playing, riding their bikes, and walking around the town, as there will be fewer minutes of daylight right up until winter solstice, the shortest day of the year, which is officially on December 21.  

Last Saturday, our Hampton PTA hosted an evening of fright and fun, which was held at Marston School. During my walk-throughs this week, students and staff alike commented that it was the “best night ever!” Special thanks to all the families, staff, and community members who made our Trunk or Treat possible for our community. Your partnership with the schools is greatly valued as we look forward to more opportunities to bring these fun family programs to our beloved town of Hampton!  

This month, all parents will have the opportunity to attend parent conferences.  We look forward to these opportunities to work with our families to discuss their child’s progress and their overall well-being as it pertains to their growth and success.  This year, we are encouraging all parents to meet in-person.  Should you have a need for a virtual meeting, we ask that you adhere to all district and state laws and policies around videotaping of these meetings.   As a friendly reminder, it is illegal to use any device to record communications without the consent of everyone in the conversation.  This is to ensure and protect the privacy of all involved.  Should you have any further questions regarding these important meetings, please feel free to reach out to your child’s school. 

Our schools continue to be busy with engaging learning opportunities.  Last week, sixth-grade students participated in environmental camp.  It was a terrific week for our newest middle school students with lots of personal and academic growth.  

All students have had the opportunity to participate in bully-prevention assemblies and classes in the past few weeks.  We firmly believe that every child deserves to be safe and treated with respect.  As part of our work, we have increased our focus on kindness, acceptance, and inclusion.  This ongoing work is aimed at focusing on bullying prevention and cyberbullying.  Research shows that bullying can be stopped, but true change requires consistent education and intervention.  Some of our assemblies are currently being shown on our local cable station, Channel 8.  Special thanks to Nick Giarrusso and our technology department for all their work and efforts!

At this time, we are still seeking to build our substitute pool for our schools.  If you love our students and are looking for part-time work with a very flexible schedule that aligns with the school calendar, this could be just the right opportunity for you.  Currently the rate of pay for classroom teachers/professionals is $110 a day, while the rate for paraeducators is $14.61 an hour.  If you are interested in applying, please see the attachment.

This weekend, Winnacunnet Theatre presents Kaufman & Hart’s You Can’t Take it with You. Please support our local thespians and attend this wonderful event.  A flyer is attached for your review and consideration.  

Remember to fall back this weekend… Warmly,

Dr. Lois B. Costa

Superintendent of SAU 90

Shark News 11 3 23

Application for Substitute Teaching: Substitute Application

Para Professional Application: Employment Application Hourly