Weekly Update

October 20, 2023

Dear SAU 90 Staff and Families,

Unfortunately, due to the impending weather, the Hampton PTA is postponing their Trunk or Treat from this Saturday, October 21, to next Saturday, October 28.  This event promises to be an evening of fright and fun, which will be held at Marston School from 5:30 – 8:30 PM.  For more information on this event, please be sure to refer to the updated flyer attached below.  If you have not already joined our PTA, please consider doing so.  This wonderful organization does so much for our school, community, and town.  Your membership is just one of the ways you can support all that they do for us!

In our efforts to better understand the current state of staff, student, and parent aspirations and their overall perceptions of the educational experiences, we are asking for your participation in the My Voice survey, which runs until October 27.  Based on over two decades of research, this tool measures perceptions of 8 conditions that make a difference or key factors to academic, personal, and social success in school.  We ask that you kindly complete the survey for each school your child attends.  You should have received a letter from your child’s principal with a link.  We thank you in advance.  

There has been a shift towards providing universal free meals for school lunches nationwide, as we know that nutrition directly impacts a student’s ability to learn.  New Hampshire currently provides free lunches for districts that meet the threshold of 25% of eligible qualifying families.  There has been a shift in the guidelines that have allowed for more families to participate in free and reduced meals.  We kindly ask that you review the attached flyer, and if you have not done so already, please complete the Free and Reduced Meal Application.

The Professional Firefights of Hampton are taking action to address children in need of winter coats through their involvement with Operation Warm, a national nonprofit.  The goal of this organization is to gift brand-new coats to children in our community who are in need.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.  Operation Warm

This week, I had the opportunity to spend some time at Centre School, visiting classrooms, students, and staff.  Teachers are working with students to re-establish expectations for learning or what they call “Centre Soar Rules.”  Students are expected to stay safe and healthy with themselves and others; obey the Golden Rule: Treat others the way you want to be treated; always bring your best behavior to school every day; and respect and take care of everything in the school and classrooms.  These expectations are reminded, reinforced, and discussed throughout the day in an effort to ensure our primary school students’ success.  Please be sure to check out our Facebook post, which features our youngest students, or as we affectionately refer to them as, “Our Littles!”   

We are working with the Leadership Team and Hampton School Board on our annual budget for the 2024-2025 school year.  There are four sessions planned for the next consecutive Wednesdays.  These meetings are being taped and will be available to our community on Channel 8.  We anticipate sharing our school budget with the town during their December meeting.  More information will follow.  

For your planning, our annual Halloween parade at Centre School will take place on Tuesday, October 31, at 1:30 PM.  That evening, our town of Hampton will celebrate Halloween with trick-or-treating from 5:30 -8:00 PM.  

Wishing you a nice weekend ahead.


Dr. Lois B. Costa

Superintendent of SAU 90

Shark News 10.20.23        Halloween Town      Café Connection