Weekly Update

September 22, 2023

Good Afternoon, SAU 90 Families and Staff,

We hope you are having a fantastic week!  Students continue to settle into their new routines as we build communities of learners that focus on safety, respect, responsibility, and cooperation. The schools have scheduled different events, including opening houses, volunteer orientations, and information nights, as we begin to develop partnerships with our families.  This is just the first step in building a relationship with your child’s school and ensuring the lines of communication are open.  We pride ourselves on partnering with our families so that our students can grow and flourish.  Thank you for being a valued member of our school community.  We appreciate you!

This past Wednesday, staff participated in state-mandated training on Signs of Suicide.  This is the second leading cause of death in children ages 10 through 24.  The Connor’s Climb Foundation, based out of Exeter, is dedicated to providing suicide prevention education to New Hampshire youth and communities.  The purpose of this training is to raise awareness, reduce the stigma around mental health, and equip youth, educators, and communities with tools and resources focused on the vulnerable age group of 10–24-year-old people.  Suicide is preventable.  Together, we can ensure that our children do not reach the point of crisis.  Instead, we will know the warning signs of suicide, and they will know what to do when they see the signs in themselves or someone else.  We are grateful for your partnership in this endeavor.  To that end, we will be hosting a parent information night on September 28 at 7:00 p.m. in the Hampton Academy Auditorium.  Please see the attached flyer for more information.

We recognize that the construction site at Marston Way and High Street has created congestion and delays during student arrival and departure during the busiest times of the day.  We kindly ask for your patience as we work through these upgrades to our town that will benefit all of us.  We are working with Jen Hale at the Town Office to provide us with current information.  It is our understanding that this construction will be moving towards Mill Road and the High Street Intersection and eventually Lafayette Road and Academy Avenue in the coming weeks.  Our understanding is that there will be a detour on Monday and possibly Tuesday with work being completed at Dearborn Road.  Westbound traffic will be able to pass through High Street.  If you can avoid this area, it would be advised. 

If you have children riding their bikes or walking to and from school, please remind them to use the crosswalks and to walk their bikes across the busy intersections in town.  All students should be wearing helmets and should be mindful of the traffic.   

Hampton Academy and Marston families received notification that their students would be invited to participate in the Quaglia Student Voice Student Survey in October. The Student Survey measures student perceptions surrounding students’ self-worth, engagement, and sense of purpose – vital factors for all students to realize academic, personal, and social success in school. Under New Hampshire law, students must complete the opt-in form to participate.  Additionally, all parents, guardians, and staff will be invited to participate in the surveys as well.  The purpose of this survey is to understand our learning communities better and to develop action steps for improving our schools.  Your voice matters to us!  

Our schools continue to be a great place to grow and learn!  At this time, we are hiring guest teachers, para-educator substitutes, and nurse substitutes.  If you are interested in assisting our district during staff absences, we encourage you to fill out an application, which can be accessed here.  

This week you received a letter from our School Social Worker, Emily Fixler.  She is in the process of organizing our 68 Hours of Hunger program. If you are interested in learning more about this program or signing up, please contact Emily Fixler at 603-858-9810 or efixler@sau90.org

Finally, we wish to publicly thank the Exeter YMCA, Unitil, and UNH for their generous donation of school supplies and backpacks to our students.  

Wishing you a great weekend ahead!

In partnership, 

Dr. Lois B. Costa

Superintendent of SAU 90

Quaglia Institute: Voice and Aspirations https://www.quagliainstitute.org/about

Shark News 9.22.23 

SOS: Connors Climb